Hannah and Oliver, Colwall Park Hotel, Malvern, Herefordshire.
I’ve shot a lot of Weddings in Herefordshire. Not as many as I would like (it’s a beautiful county) but a lot nevertheless. There are many wonderful wedding venues from Lemore Estate to Dewsall Court to name just two. Hannah and Oliver were married last month at Colwall Park Hotel in (oddly enough) Colwall, near Malvern. A new Herefordshire venue for me.
I met Hannah and Oliver for the first time about a month before the wedding (bookings seem now to get done over the phone rather than in person… can’t for the life of me think why) and I knew straight away that I was going to really enjoy working for them and enjoy myself I did!
Now, the weather wasn’t ideal… nothing too miserable to report just not really ‘summer time’ weather… but it didn’t dampen spirts. It was simply a lovely day.
it was also rather lovely to see Juliet (www.julietdraper.co.uk) and Harper (www.makeupbyharper.com) again. Two wonderful people within the wedding industry who I hope to meet again on my travels in the years to come.
Lastly, a big thanks to Hannah and Oliver who were happy to just let me get on with things with no formality etc. It was lovely with some just perfect moments happening throughout the day (starting with Hannahs Grandmother fixing her dress for my first few frames of the day).
Here are a few of Hannah and Olivers wedding photographs. I hope you like them as much as I do.
Images © John Colson Photography