say hello!

Hopefully, if you have made it through the gazillions of images on my site and are not TOO bored yet, you might be looking to get in touch to say hello.

If you are (which would be lovely) please do complete my wildly exciting contact form and include details such as the date and location of your wedding so that I can reply as accurately as possible. I will then be in touch as quickly as I can.

ALSO, some email providers (yes Hotmail I mean you) sometimes flag up my email address as spam, delivering my responses to enquiries directly to junk mail folders (which is annoying to put it mildly). Please don't worry, my email address is completely safe but if you could add it ( to your trusted senders list it should ensure that my reply will get to you.

To contact me directly...


Telephone / WhatsApp: 07866193299

Instagram: @johncolsonphoto

* If contacting me directly via email, if you feel comfortable doing so please include a contact number so that I can text you to let you know I have emailed you back (for the reasons noted above). PLEASE DON’T WORRY, I WON’T CALL YOU OR BADGER YOU WITH CONSTANT MARKETING NONSENSE!

By Submitting this contact form I give my consent to John Colson Photography to reply as requested and to store the information provided in this enquiry. Information (email address and enquiry) will be deleted one year from the day of enquiry should no further action be taken. Don't worry... you will NOT be added to an email list. To learn about my privacy policy, click here.



All photos © John Colson.  Not For Reproduction.