Games of Thrones the sequel (sort of)
There is an unwritten rule in our house. Mrs Colson always (really… ALWAYS… it’s embarrasing) beats me at Chess and I am ever victorious in the ultimate game of tactical cat and mouse - Battleships.
However, the universe as we know it was thrown into utter chaos on Saturday evening when I won a game of Chess in the most convincing of manners before my wife saw through my sneaky Battleship tactics and sank my fleet before I could say shiver me timbers.
It was weird.
Anyway, it also reminded me of just how cool our chess set is.
So, this afternoon in a bid to cheer myself up after another few months of work got the hook I decided to set up the chess set and take a few photos. So, armed with a bit of off camera flash and the (hopefully) artistic use of our sofa as a background, here are a few images from the skirmish in our living room.